Friday, March 25, 2011

Dr. Thunder Miracle

This has been an extremely unremarkable couple of weeks for me, hence the lack of blogging. The most exciting thing to happen to me was that I learned an easier and healthier way to make chocolate cake. Let me explain.

First you buy come chocolate cake mix. Then instead of adding eggs, water, and oil, you just add one can of Dr. Thunder soda to the mix. If you don’t have a can of Dr. Thunder, you could probably use Dr. Pepper as a substitute but I wouldn’t recommend it. Just mix that shit up and throw it in the oven BAM you got chocolate cake. It is super easy and healthier and you can barely taste the difference. Add frosting too, that’s key.

In other news, the Badgers really stink. They stink worse than my farts right now and I just ate a huge salad for lunch. With broccoli. It’s hard to win a game when you don’t score the first six minutes of the 2nd half. My brackets are officially on life support. Oh well, still got the Super Bowl. That’s going to be my motto for the next year. Hopefully not two years (stupid lockout, I hate it so much).

I’m going to Madison with Jess next weekend, hopefully something exciting arises out of that. According to our hosts, part of the weekend will consist of witnessing the spectacle of another Scott Walker protest, this time it is zombies that are pissed off about collective bargaining rights. I’m not kidding. A zombie protest march down State Street, you can’t make this stuff up. It seems a little silly to me, why would a zombie have an opinion, either for or against, collective bargaining rights? The only thing a zombie should be protesting against is skulls.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Girl With The Dragon Tattoo REVIEWED

During my cruise last month, I was able to peruse a few of my favorite periodicals and read a novel. Everybody has been talking about this Girl With The Dragon Tattoo book. I decided to check it out.

I didn’t like it at first because the story is set in Sweden and I prefer my stories to come from America. I don’t know much about Sweden except their greatest exports are modular furniture, meatballs, and Stellan Skarsgard.

In fact, it became impossible to envision the main characters in the story without one of them being played by Stellan Skarsgard. Then I started getting mad thinking about a film version without Stellan Skarsgard in it. And then I thought, why not throw Peter Sarsgaard in there as Blomkvist, that would be a juicy bit of casting.

PS Stellan and Peter aren’t related. I know! I thought they were too!

Well I imdb’d some stuff when I got home and learned that Stellan will be in the American version, thank God. Daniel Craig is going to star in it too which I’m okay with. I’d be happier if he was working on a new James Bond movie that DIDN’T suck but I don’t want to veer off topic here.

I’m really shocked that Kristen Stewart will not be playing Salander; that was another obvious actress choice in my opinion. According to the book, the character playing Salander is super skinny and unable to express emotion. Kristen Stewart is super skinny and couldn’t express emotion if it slapped her in the face. That could have been a slam dunk. Way to cast a movie, Hollywood.

So without giving away any spoilers, this book is a mystery/suspense that prominently involves a computer hacker and a sex dungeon. For being a talked-about best seller as of late, the whole book as I was reading it seemed a little too 2002-ish to me. Don’t get me wrong, some things from that time period get better with age, like my Motorola RAZR which no smart phone has yet to surpass in ergonomics, quality, and awesomeness.

However computer hackers and sex dungeons just aren’t doin’ it for me anymore, I was expecting something a little more modern. There’s not even any vampires in it.

But maybe the sequels will have vampires in it. Or better yet, zombies. I’m not holding my breath though. Even though I would rate the book as pretty good, I’m still probably going to end up reading the sequels because I’m stubborn like that. Or maybe I’ll just check out the Swedish version with subtitles, it’s on the Netflix. I don’t know. I don’t know if there’ll be enough time.

Here is a classic ecstatically happy or seething with anger pose from Kstew. Imagine if her and dipshit Ryan from The O.C. produced an offspring. That child would be first human being born with negative talent.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

How is Topper Harley Getting Out Of This One?

Wow. That’s about all I can say about Ricky Vaughn right now. I’ve been following this story closely for over a week now, it’s a like a car wreck, I just can’t look away.

I’m getting all my info from, the greatest source of entertainment news and commentary in all the lands. Here is a sampling of some of their maverick reporting.,52369/,52384/,50755/

When this story first broke, I found it impossible not to compare Bud Fox to Adam Mallien circa 1997-1998-ish. As I kept reading Platoon’s quotes I kept nodding along thinking to myself, yep Mal would have said that, nope Mal wouldn’t have gone that far, maybe he would have said that, whoa I’m almost POSITIVE Mal once called Thomas Jefferson a pussy, and so on and so forth.

Try it, it’s really fun. If Navy Seals and sophomore year Mallien got together to make a sitcom, I would definitely watch it. I think those two would be right up there with my three favorite TV characters as of right now. Those characters being Ron Swanson, Phil Dunphy, and Magnitude.

I really do like Charles Sheen as an actor, the guy has great comedic chops and I think we can all agree that we want to see a Major League 3. I just hope he lives that long. If I were a betting man, I’d say he won’t make it to 2012. You could even make a bet that Red Dawn won’t make it til next dawn.

Let’s just pray that Young Guns gets his shit together or has the whatever Keith Richards has so that he can keep on Winning forever as an F-18 that could take us trolls out at any time.