Saturday, November 25, 2006


I’m going to a Guns N’ Roses concert in Milwaukee on Wednesday and I’m pretty excited. I was never really THAT big of a fan of GnR but there have been a few standout songs of theirs that have always struck a chord with me:

Welcome to the Jungle
I have some conflicting feelings about this song. On the one hand, it’s like, oh, man, I LOVE this song; it totally reminds of me of high school football. On the other hand, it’s like, aww shit, I HATE this song; it totally reminds of me of high school football.

My Michelle
We used to have this smokin’ hot intern at our office named Michelle and it was damn near impossible for me not to hear the riff from this song inside my head whenever she walked by my cubicle:

‘Whoa Whoa Whoa, you never can tell, Whoa Whoa Whoa, my Michelle!’

One time, she actually caught me playing air guitar after she borrowed a pen from me. It was awkward. I had to pretend I was stretching, but I think she knew I was rocking out. She probably gets that a lot.

Incidentally, have you ever discounted a potential dating partner’s intelligence, looks, or personality solely because their name is featured in a song you really like? I think that would make a good topic for a future blog post…

Sweet Child O’Mine
That’s just a really good song. I don’t care what anybody says.

Paradise City
Remember that one scene in Can’t Hardly Wait where that lovable nerdy kid that looks like Matt Becker lip synchs to this song? There’s a point where he falls off the table and the music stops and you’re thinking, “that's too bad, that lovable nerdy kid that looks like Matt Becker had a nice run there, he almost assimilated himself with all the cool people at the party,” and then all of a sudden BAM! He hops back up on the table and the microphone shoots up in super slo-mo and the music starts again and it looks like he never missed a beat. That was awesome. Can’t Hardly Wait pretty much sucked ass but that one scene is one of my favorite movie moments of all time.

So that’s that. I guess you could say that as long as they play anything from the Appetite for Destruction album, I’m going to get my money’s worth.

More coverage to follow this week…

Wanna know something funny? I'm pretty sure Kyle Nelson bought the soundtrack from this shitty movie when it first came out. What a dork!


Anonymous said...

You shouldn't talk. I remember a certain bloggist, I won't mention any names here, who thought the Waynes World 2 Soundtrack was a mighty fine purchase back in the day.

Wohlhan86 said...

touch`e sir, touch`e

Anonymous said...

It is a well known fact that every great rock band makes one shitty rock ballad and GNR's is "Sweet Child of Mine". Sorry to be the one to break it to you... no I'm not, I'm actually thrilled.