Monday, May 14, 2007

Aaron Vanlieshout is POOR.

Many of you may remember that I kept a journal throughout my nightmarish middle school experience, which is now one of my most prized possessions. Lesser known of my chronicles, but not to be discarded lightly, is my old chemistry notebook from my sophomore year of high school.

This chemistry notebook contains an assortment of useful equations for constructing molecular compounds from the periodic table, exhaustive definitions between covalent and ionic bonds, and a series of crude sketches featuring my future college roommate whom I apparently thought was very poor in high school and lived in a cardboard box.

Here is one such rendition:

The above is the one that really started it all. I think it all started because Aaron used to wear this really dirty and tattered White Sox t-shirt and Zubaz sweatpants in gym class and then it just snowballed from there.

I kind of feel bad about in retrospect since I got to know Aaron’s parents fairly well while we shared a dorm room freshmen year. Had I known they were such nice people, I probably wouldn’t have drawn this:

I guess that one isn’t so bad either. After all, that house is kind of huge in comparison to the people and the sweet ride in the foreground. But then I got grandma involved:

In case you can’t interpret my ultra masculine handwriting in that last box, one of Aaron’s relative’s exclaims, “Oh no, all of the houses are on fire!” but then the other relative casually remarks in a deadpan delivery, “well, it was better than last year.”

Inappropriate. Inappropriate is the word you are looking for. Especially since Grandma looks more like Ms. Pacman than a human being.

But what can you do? Chemistry was boring as hell and I have a short attention span. Things must have REALLY gotten boring for me after my first midterm because the Aaron character in my notebook started getting involved in more elaborate plots such as him becoming imbred and him having an affair with someone named Old Man Brinclhof, which I must have found hysterical back then but has little meaning for me to this day.

Aaron, if you’re reading this, I apologize. I hope I did not make Chemistry 101 with Mr. Kropp a terrible experience for you. To make it up to you, I want to post a more recent picture of you to let the world know what a fine man you have become.

My God, it is just too easy!


Anonymous said...

Get a haircut, hippie.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha that is fucking hilarious

Anonymous said...

Hilarious Ben! You were already strangly creative in your writing way back then! Take it to Hollywood!

Wohlhan86 said...

Thanks, I can't quite seem to shake that scatological sense of humor of mine. Maybe when I turn thirty, I'll find poop jokes less funny. But I'm not holding my breath...

Anonymous said...

Van Lieshout. That is how it is spelled.

BrINClHOF was an acronym for the Elements that occur as 2 atoms bonded together in their natural state. Would someone who lives in a box know that?

Apparently, yes.

Try to find the picture of Terry with the blue hair.


Anonymous said...

And I never wore Zubas in my life, that is pure fabrication.

I wish i still had that sox shirt though.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Ben loves scat in all its forms...

Wohlhan86 said...

Dude, whatever did happen to that shirt? Did you lose it or did it just eventually disipate into thin air?

Oh yeah, and sorry about all those you being poor jokes. My bad.

Anonymous said...

I think Aaron can find his white sox shirt next to the rambo machine gun he stole from me and never gave back. That is a great picture by the way.

Anonymous said...

Where's the inevitable Brett Favre post???

Anonymous said...

I wish i still had that machine gun.

And Mike That wasn't stole due to being poor, it was due to my parents not being willing to buy me a toy gun. And they wouldn't do that because they were poor.