Friday, May 04, 2007

Spiderman 3

I know I know, I'm getting lazy with my posting, I'll have more and better content soon but in the meantime, chew on this, it's a review of Spiderman 3 by Brain Litter's very own Tom Jane:

Here are my initial reactions to Spider-man:

1. Everything to do with Harry – Excellent.

2. Everything to do with Venom – Boooo.

3. Everything to do with Sandman – Huh?

4. Everything to do with Peter Parker – Excellent.

The Peter Parker-struggling-with-his-dark-side-plot was done very well. I’m glad they had a good actor for this one more than either of the other two. If these movies have done anything well (besides giving Bruce Campbell awesome cameos) it is giving Peter very gripping personal plots to drive the rest of the movie. I don’t understand, though, why he was becoming such a dick before he even got the black suit.

James Franco was very good, and the movie was better any time he was on the screen. The entire movie should have revolved more closely around Peter and Harry, with maybe a little Sandman thrown in for good measure. But, like we discussed yesterday, they didn’t need to make him look so much like a snowboarder – even his mask looked like he was out braving the fierce winds on a double black diamond at Ski Brule.

The inclusion of Gwen Stacey made no sense. She’s too big of a character to waste the way they did.

And Venom – I personally found myself not knowing why I should care about Venom. He was too small, and his face looked ridiculous. They also did not make it clear how much Venom hates Peter Parker. That is the defining characteristic of the villain – he hates Spider-man more than any of Spider-man’s other villains. He hates him as Eddie Brock for the wrongs he feels Peter Parker has caused him, and the symbiote hates him even more for his rejection. And the symbiote is a fully cognizant entity – I never got that feeling from this movie. In summary – I think Venom needed to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine… I mean refer to himself in the plural, or royal “we” more. However, I didn’t think that Chris Grace was terrible with what he was given. He just seemed like a sad little boy rather than an angry man.

I know we discussed this before, but I still think that Harry should have been the focus to wrap up this trilogy nicely – then the symbiote could have been the focus of the next trilogy. When will Hollywood learn to listen?

So that's his review and it's quite poignant. I called him out on the bungling of Topher Grace's name and his response was just as witty:

If I wanted to be called “Seph” because my name is Joseph and too many people are called Joe, would you oblige me? If you said yes you are a dirty liar. I don’t care if he thinks Chris is too common. His name is Christopher. Chris is short fro Christopher, not Topher. Wanting to be called Topher makes him look like a douche. As far as I’m concerned his name is Chris.

So I'm going to have a real controversial post about chicks and kickball real soon so stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

That was personal information that I shared with you in confidentiality. I don't want to have to start censoring the many email I send you during the hours of 8 - 5, but I will if need be.

Anonymous said...

Good call, on Spidey 3. Huge disapointment...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Seph!