Thursday, June 21, 2007

His Joey Wollin (Updated Below)

Joey Wollin. Joe Buds. Broey. Weapon X. Joseph Jamer.

He goes by many names but know this: Joey Wollin is my brother. I love him dearly. Right now, Joey Wollin is riding a gravy train with biscuit wheels. He just graduated from college, he got a brand new job, he just bought his first new car, and people are blogging about him. Some might say, everything’s coming up Joey Wollin, for Joey Wollin.

But where did all this success come from? You might speculate that growing up with wonderful loving parents was the reason. Others may say his dedication to athletics instilled the discipline and work ethic that got Joey Wollin to where he is today. All probable hypotheses, but I think the Joey Wollin owes his true success to the steady of regime of tormenting and random brotherly beatings I subjected him to growing up on the east side of Green Bay.

That came out wrong. I make our childhood sound dysfunctional but the occasional spats we had growing up weren’t THAT bad. Certainly no different from any other brotherly relationship out there.

Well….I guess I forgot to mention the game my cousin Jason and I invented when we were in grade school. The game was called Joey Germs. The premise of the game was simple albeit cruel. The object of the game was that whenever Jason and I were doing something like playing video games or shooting hoops or whatever and Joey Wollin came over to play with us, we would scream, Joey Germs! Joey Germs! and then we would run like hell away from him until he started crying and Mom made us play with him. Then Jason and I would make him do stuff for us under the threat that we would play Joey Germs again.

As I was typing that last paragraph, I was both simultaneously laughing out loud and feeling sick to my stomach with guilt about how absolutely mean that game was.

Bro, if you are reading this, I am really sorry about that. And readers, in case you are wondering, Joey Wollin and I have a great relationship now. I think it was a combination of our love of ping pong, frisbee, and NHL Hockey 94’ for Sega Genesis that brought us together for good. Once thing is certain, the end of his tormenting from yours truly had NOTHING to do with him joining wrestling his sophomore year, and consequently becoming a lean and disciplined fighting machine. Yup, it was definitely me deciding to mature and not that other thing I just mentioned.

For the rest of this blog post, I want to celebrate all things Joey Wollin. I am going home to The G.B. this weekend and hope to recover some Joey Wollin artifacts to help finish this post.

Did I mention that we’re calling Green Bay, The G.B., now? Good, I’m glad we’re all agreed on that.

To be continued…

The game that spawned a million friendships and a million rivalries. I always liked the Quebec Nordiques unless of course Joey Wollin picked them, in which case they became the Quebec Nor-geeks.


So I thought I had a lot more Joey Wollin material to present this evening but most of the stuff I found were us getting along and having a great time, which I know no one wants to see, so I had to dig deep into my archives to find interesting stuff.

The first item we have on the block is a tourney from the first annual Ben Wollin Invitational Ping Pong tournament. You will notice that Joey Wollin took second place, which is no small feat given the FIERCE competition that showed up that day. Nice job, Joe Buds, you defeated many people several grades older than yourself at the time but – ahem ahem – not myself as I was the clear victor in that heavily publicized match. You know I didn’t make it up either because that’s not my handwriting and also, I know how to spell Joe Barrie’s last name, which sure as hell ain’t B-e-r-r-y.

The second items I would like to display are the remnants of a comic book I created in 8th grade. It was called Joey and the Computer and it featured my absent-minded brother making hilarious puns with computer terminology I gleaned from the Sunday Newspaper Best Buy ad that I would obsess over weekly until my parents broke down one Christmas and actually got us a computer. Anyways, it was my dorkiest venture to date, to say the least. I display it now, more so to make fun of me than to my intended target at the time.

This is not unlike the shame I felt when I sarcastically yelled, “Way to go, Miyamoto” when Van Lieshout messed up for the umpteenth time against the Koopa boss on the third pirate ship in Mario 3 one particular Saturday afternoon in the dorm Freshmen year. What I thought was a clever insult at the time was more of an affirmation of my true nerdstromess.

He was trying to get into Windows and he actually went through a window! Get it!? Get it!?

What’s really sad here is that there are over 20 more of these and these three were the best.

This next thing is a post-it note left behind by my brother when I must have left my Stuff: Journal uncharacteristically out in the open. I find it just as reverent now as I did back in 1995.

Joey Wollin, shirtless, at a club in Cancun. Priceless.

Another great pic of Joey Wollin dressed up like a Leprechaun. Funny for so many reasons...


Wohlhan86 said...

Brother, I would really like it if you left a comment on this post, and more importantly, I don't want any Joey Wollin impostors commenting under his surname.

Will the real Joey Wollin, please stand up, please stand up...

Anonymous said...

I remember the first time I met Joey. You told me he was a German exchange student named Fritz. I believed you. I am an idiot.

Anonymous said...

His name is Robert Paulson.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the cessation of Joey-hostilities also had nothing to do with his becoming bigger or stonger than you, either. ot was that implicit in "disciplined fighting machine"?

Wohlhan86 said...

It was implied. Older brother strength and cunning can only take you so far. Around high school time, all bets are off and its survival of the fittest. The fittest in this case, being Joey Wollin.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunatly, I am all too familiar with the side effects of Joey Germs

Anonymous said...

Really, Ben?

Joe keeps trying to tell me that you aren't really a douche, but if you are going to relinquish older brother dominance, than he is wrong, and you are a douche.

Anonymous said...

I'm upset that you caved so quickly to the monarch and "invented a new blog." I didn't think we were done talking about sandwiches.

Anonymous said...

Tom Jane,

Learn how to use links properly. I already know how to get to google images.

Anonymous said...

Despite all the different monikers I've deduced that all of the previous posts came from the same individual.

To this unnamed asshole - I am not amused with the insinuation that the look of my dog is in some way an effect of "Joey Germs".

Anonymous said...

Oh wait, he used his real name in one of them. He's not an unnamed asshole. His name is Chris. And he's a jerk.

Anonymous said...

And he looks like he's holding back a massive deuce in that picture.

Anonymous said...

Keep it up Jane. I can hear the jealousy through your gritted teeth as you type. I'm sure that Pecs and Biceps kit you orderd in the mail will be here any day now

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, Tom Jane.

Maybe if you spent more time in the gym and less time pretending to be me on Smackdown for PS3, you wouldn't be stuck with little brother strength

Wohlhan86 said...

Gentlemen, Gentlemen, I think we're losing focus here. Although Im slightly amused that you are settling your petty squabbles via my blog, let's not forget that this post is about Joey Wollin. Please leave your rage back where it home.

Anonymous said...


Didn't you get enough verbal abuse on the last post from myself, Bob Loblaw, Prof. Dic., Tome Jane, JD, Grammer Rodeo, Hulk Hogan Etc. Do you really want to get in the middle of this? You had to expect that when posting a blog with the term "Joey Germs" (which I will be adding to my active vocabulary) that you would be opening the flood gates.

Plus, I don't know your douche tard brother

Anonymous said...

Speaking of guys with dorky looks on their faces . . .

Anonymous said...

Wollin will always cave to royalty if not a beautiful yet dangerous butterfly.

BTW Snarf, fuck off and thank you.

Anonymous said...

Congradulations, Ben. You know you've achieved a pretty high status when the internet itself starts taking notice. Keep up the good work.

Wohlhan86 said...

Joey Wollin, get your head out of your ass and leave a comment here! You're killin' me, Smalls.

Anonymous said...

A moment of silence for the Canadian Crippler...

Anonymous said...

I like Joe Berry, hes way cooler.

C'mon ben, Reality Doesn't bite, maybe it did in the middle 90's for a bunch of Gen-X burnouts, but not you, not you.

I also like that Altman gains an "n" by round three.

Anonymous said...

That is a ridiculously intricate ping pong tourney.

Also, post more of the saga of Joey and the Computer.

Anonymous said...

Are you a J. Geils Band fan, too? Love Stinks is an awesome song!

Wohlhan86 said...

Who isn't?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the article bro, I do appreciate it. For the record I joined wrestling frosh year, and my team was the unbeatable kings. I did hate Joey germs with a passion, but that was a long time ago. Take it easy bro, keep up the good writing.