Sunday, August 19, 2007

Brain Litter Sabbatical is Over!

The absence of Brain Litter reign of terror is over. All is well with the Internet again.

Let me explain:

I just got done pulling off an all-campus rager at my place last Thursday (more on that later) so I decided to take it easy Friday night. I had a craving to see the movie Camp Nowhere so I went to Family Video to get it but they don’t even carry it for some reason so I ended watching the entire Band of Brothers mini-series this weekend instead.

I found a lot of similarities between these two masterpieces of cinema. They both deal with the trials and tribulations of a ragtag group of misfits, overcoming insurmountable odds to accomplish an impossible goal. In fact, the leadership qualities and management style of Lt. Dick Winters of Easy Company and that guy that Christopher Lloyd played are strikingly similar. I guess the only real difference between the two is that one was about a bunch of middle schoolers tricking their parents into going to an imaginary summer camp and the other was a true story of 101st Airborne Division surviving nightmarish conditions in WWII, but other than, like I said, the differences are negligible.

I just thought the above analysis would make for some good blog material so there it is.

Now I’m going to steer this ship into a different direction and talk about my wicked awesome birthday party last Thursday.

The thing about birthdays is that they just usually stop getting cooler after about 23. Turning 25 was tough and turning 26 (this Tuesday) is going to be just as bittersweet.

Say, that gives me an idea to pitch to MTV. Instead of My Super Sweet 16th, they should have a show called My Bittersweet 26th. Instead of featuring a bunch of teens in the prime of their youth getting spoiled to the core, it could a feature a bunch of underemployed twenty-somethings lethargically playing beer pong in some dank basement and talking about what went wrong with their lives. Now THAT is compelling television!

I kid; my party was far removed from a depressing state of affairs. I attribute this to six main factors:

1. Tap beer from a barrel is way more conducive to drinking heavily than cans.
2. Taco Dip
3. The climbing rope tied to a tree branch in the back yard
4. Lawn mowed in diagonal pattern instead of usual straight-across pattern
5. Chips
6. Chicks

Most of the items above are self-explanatory (especially if you've seen the movie PCU in the case of items 5 and 6) but I never would have guessed the raving success of the rope tied to a tree. I swear to God, total strangers from two towns over were stopping by just to see “the rope”. It just goes to show that, whenever throwing a drinking party, you can make up any hosting shortcomings by bombarding your guests with as many novelty games of coordination as possible.

The party was really fun and to make a long boring short, I just didn’t have a whole lot to write about over the last month but things are starting to pick up now in a good way. I’m going to San Francisco next week, I’m seeing the US National Soccer Team play Brazil in Chicago in three weeks, and I’m challenging my old roommate to a series of strength and endurance contests to determine once and for all who is the most ultimate between the two of us (date undetermined); all of which should be interesting subjects.

More to come in the months ahead, people…


Wohlhan86 said...

yes, Joe, we all know it was your idea for the Taco Dip and rope in the backyard. You're like a broken record, I swear...

Anonymous said...

The party was a great time. I'm sorry that your cup we used for quarters met with an untimely demise. If it's any condolence the deed was done by cute chicks. Additionally on the whole turning 25 plus thing, I thought I'd share an unnerving revelation with you. A couple days ago I was informed that at 25 I'm officially too old to be on the real world. Not that I'd actually want to ever do it, but none the less I'm pretty sure that we now officially qualify as old balls. At least we're cool old balls.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't you tell us there was going to be a rope!? Why did you keep it a secret!?

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the pre-emtive strike regarding the credit for the rope climb. However, I think it was your successful marketing of the idea through various whitty mass email to your fellow employees and superiors that sold the idea so thoroughly.

Also, I very muched enjoyed the multiple PCU references. Well played, well played...