Wednesday, March 02, 2011

How is Topper Harley Getting Out Of This One?

Wow. That’s about all I can say about Ricky Vaughn right now. I’ve been following this story closely for over a week now, it’s a like a car wreck, I just can’t look away.

I’m getting all my info from, the greatest source of entertainment news and commentary in all the lands. Here is a sampling of some of their maverick reporting.,52369/,52384/,50755/

When this story first broke, I found it impossible not to compare Bud Fox to Adam Mallien circa 1997-1998-ish. As I kept reading Platoon’s quotes I kept nodding along thinking to myself, yep Mal would have said that, nope Mal wouldn’t have gone that far, maybe he would have said that, whoa I’m almost POSITIVE Mal once called Thomas Jefferson a pussy, and so on and so forth.

Try it, it’s really fun. If Navy Seals and sophomore year Mallien got together to make a sitcom, I would definitely watch it. I think those two would be right up there with my three favorite TV characters as of right now. Those characters being Ron Swanson, Phil Dunphy, and Magnitude.

I really do like Charles Sheen as an actor, the guy has great comedic chops and I think we can all agree that we want to see a Major League 3. I just hope he lives that long. If I were a betting man, I’d say he won’t make it to 2012. You could even make a bet that Red Dawn won’t make it til next dawn.

Let’s just pray that Young Guns gets his shit together or has the whatever Keith Richards has so that he can keep on Winning forever as an F-18 that could take us trolls out at any time.


Charlie Sheen said...

Bring it.

Magnitude said...


Anonymous said...

Was Charlie even in Young Guns?????? Pretty sure that was his brother, and please don't encourage another Major League movie!! The second one was hard enough to watch with the introduction on the token Asian!!!

JD said...

Charlie Sheen was absolutely in Young Guns! Did you even bother to IMDB that shit? Come on!

Wohlhan86 said...

Gordon Bombay was also in Young Guns so you weren't totally wrong...but you were mostly wrong.

Anonymous said...

Mallien was mentally ill before being mentally ill was cool