Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Green Bay Fireworks Bingo

Really, Green Bay?

I know it’s hot outside but we can do better than this. We are a Super Bowl Champion town, let’s start acting like it.

Here's a fun game to play at the Green Bay fireworks until we get our shit together. It’s Bingo and you know the rules. I know this seems pretentious but it truly was yahoo central last night at the annual downtown Green Bay fireworks festival. Somebody needs to make fun of the situation and that someone is me.


Anonymous said...

They only come out night. Or in this particular case, the day.

JD said...

They mostly come out at night. Mostly...

Anonymous said...

Hey, I play that same BINGO card at Walmart!

Renee and Jess said...

We can't believe you stole our idea (which you didn't even contribute to) and claimed it as your own. Time to get more of your own creative ideas on your blog!

Wohlhan86 said...

you are right ladies, I should have given credit where credit is due. The bingo game was a collective effort and I apologize for letting anyone on one that I came up with all of these squares myself. This was a slap dash effort to get this post out on my lunch break but I should have spent more time giving credit.

Anonymous said...

could you see stink lines to tell how big the radius was?

Also, who from high school was there that needed to be avioded?

Anonymous said...