Monday, March 13, 2006

How NOT to pick up Foreign Chicks - Part I

Wow, what a boring week. I can honestly say that nothing eventful in the slightest degree happened to me since my last post.

I did learn a very valuable lesson though. NEVER provide roommates with ammunition to easily annoy you. In my case, I learned that lesson the hard way with my rant on pennies. At first I thought it was kind of funny when my friends started leaving all of their dirty old pennies all over my room, and I even laughed a bit when I realized I had a penny in my shoe at work last Friday, but I had to draw the line when I rolled over in my sleep last night and got three cold pennies embedded in my back. It’s like they think my bed is a goddamn wishing well or something.

Next time I’m ranting about quarters. I could’ve accumulated enough change to have a pretty fun afternoon at Chuck E. Cheese by now.

I also realize that I haven’t offered any valuable insight on the male perspective in awhile and I know many of you out there are craving some deeply guided knowledge from the guru of relationships himself so I will offer up some juicy advice on how to NOT impress women from foreign lands.

The foreign land in question here is France. Surely, if you have been reading this blog for any period of time, then you know by now that I am by no means a “pick up artist” but I did manage to seduce a beautiful French girl in one of the most hostile hook up environments the world has ever known. Well, for Americans at least.

And by seduce, I mean, made out a little bit, but still, it was pretty awesome.

Anyways, I was on this Paris trip for a Real Estate class and the last night there, I and my friends pulled out all of the stops. We didn’t let language barriers or our complete lack of culture get in the way of hitting on every girl we saw at the club that night. Things we’re looking grim between the three of us until I met Catherine.

You know, I really hate to write over two pages in one sitting so I am going to leave you all in suspense before I finish my tale of overseas woe.

To be continued…

A good analogy for this post would be: Ben is to the women of France as David Hasselhoff is to the frauleins of Germany. Wow, can that man croon!


Anonymous said...

It isn't only your roommates that litter your bed with pennies. Sometimes it is their hung over family members

Wohlhan86 said...

That is so weak! No wonder you're Hercules' only friend! You both
deserve each other.

Anonymous said...

ben's roomate abbey

Ben when I am feeling blue and I feel like i need a chuckle. I throw a penny into your room. It is like when I was 5 and wanted candy really really bad.. So I thought that the only thing i want in the world is candy...i feel like that now...but towards your room i can not wait to get home from my shitty teaching job and throw that penny. I love it..the feeling is euphoric...
a penny in your bed is like striping naked, drunk and winning $300 for a wet t shirt conest...that i don't even rember entering...
hold on ben....these are the days