Monday, May 08, 2006

Busted With My Secret Song

Every dude has a secret song that they are ashamed to like.

Fellas, you know what I am talking about. It’s the song you keep on that unlabeled CD that sits underneath the driver’s seat. It’s the second or third to last song, cleverly hidden amidst a collection of Pantera Greatest Hits or some other assemblage of death metal. It’s the song you only listen to after rolling up your windows and checking over your shoulder for stowaways. Sound familiar?

Well I was driving home from work today and I think this warmth has gotten into my head, because I decided to pop in my secret song with my windows haphazardly down. I knew it was foolish to tempt the secret song gods with such insolence, but I didn’t care, the intro was just starting.

A Jitterbug...A Jitterbug…you put the boom boom into my heart…

You can stop laughing now. Any guy that has never sang along with a Wham song is lying to you. Well, maybe not necessarily Wham but they are pretty much interchangeable with any other singing fairy dance squad out there. Yes, I am ashamed that I find that ONE Wham song kind of catchy, but dammit, what a man listens to in the privacy of his own car is his own damn business.

Unfortunately, this business became public when my car suddenly came to a halt in the always reliable 5:00 traffic of the west bound Beltline. Instinctively, I applied my brakes to prevent myself from crashing, but mentally, I was staging up George Michael in front of a packed stadium of delusional teenage girls.

The older woman in the white Sebring next to me was particular amused by my bellowing. At that point, where you’re caught red-handed, you’re only option is to run with it.

Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go. Take me dancin’ tonight! Yeah Yeah Yeah !

Stupid rush hour. It’s the source of all my problems. Well, maybe if people didn’t gawk at the car wrecks IN THE OPPOSITE LANE then my secret song would have remained an enigma to this day.

You know that rule for concerts where you're not supposed to wear a shirt with then band that you're about to see? Apparently that rule doesn't apply if you are the band.


Anonymous said...

WHAM RULES, but then again I think it would be way cooler to bust a 24 year old straight male proudly singing along to Wake me up before you go go in the city of Madsion, which with no doubt about is the holder of probably the hotest girls in Wisconsin. But you my friend decided to look past that. You are that guy!

Drake St. 2002-2003
Also an undercover Wham fan.

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is:

Phil Collins,
Another Day in Paradise

Anonymous said...

Yeah Ben, you're super-secret song is Wham, not Avril Levigne's "I'm With You" (wink*). Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Bengina.. As a women I even feel pretty silly singing to rap songs while flaling my arms with the bass from my good old toyota. Than some dudes drive up next to me and start to laugh. Bur hey I go with it i keep singing and dancing and just point to my bluetooth on my ear...Although I am not talking to anyone =)