Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Happy Brett Favre Day!

Tis’ the season everyone. I know it sounds like another one of my fantasy blogs but our very wise state legislators thought the constituents of Wisconsin needed another reason to celebrate Brett Favre’s greatness by giving us a state holiday today to honor his birthday. I was already planning on celebrating, I’m just happy congress legitimized it.

If you don’t believe me, check this out:

Doyle Passes Law to Celebrate Brett Favre

Crazy, huh? In order to properly celebrate this monumental occasion, I’ve created some Brett Favre Day E-Greeting Cards to pass on to your family, co-workers, and no-good rotten friends from Minnesota.

This one is classic:

If your dirty Minnesota friends give you shit over this one, politely remind them that the Minnesota State Legislature is free to honor Brad Johnson with a holiday whenever they please.

Speaks for itself:

I like this one because you can send it whenever you want, it works all year round.

There you have it. I would have been happier if the state legislature would have made the holiday four days instead of one (it only makes sense), but I’ll take what I can get. Now if only there was some way to get off work.

To kick off Brett Favre Day, I recommend watching this clip from Monday Night Football. I watch it every day before I go to work and sometimes before I go to bed. It puts me in a good mood. I recommend you do the same.


Knep-Star said...

OK, so it seems as though you not only had plenty of extra middle school time to make things like cafeteria maps (w/ legend) but you also have spare time in your adult life to create e-cards (not that they're not cool...it's Brett Favre, come on...). Isn't T. Wall keeping you busy enough?!

PS--I'm hooked to your blog now, damnit. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I was a little hesitant to post two blogs that just reek of effort so close to each other when I could have been doing more productive things like finding a girlfriend or something, but Brett Favre Day only comes once a year and, seriously, it took less than an hour. I made them on my lunchbreak, I swear.

Anonymous said...

Ben, you don't have to justify yourself to anyone for this post. This world would be a better place if everyone celebrated Brett Favre Day like you. In fact, one day a year hardly seems to do justice to the man who single handedly restored honor to the greatest football legacy in the history of the sport. But I guess one day is what we'll settle for until we start electing some state officials who actually give a damn about our debt to #04.

Anonymous said...

That name is supposed to read "Everyone who has an ounce of respect for themself" said...