Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Conservative Talk AM Radio Versus Fingernails On A Chalkboard?

Do you ever get that feeling of dread right before going on a car trip with your dad because you know you’re about to get your ears blasted by full volume conservative talk AM radio when he starts the car?

I do. Like touching a doorknob on a dry winter day, you’re going to get jolted and there’s nothing you can do about it.

And I’m conservative too which is the weird thing. I can’t tell if its that low quality, tinny sound with the random pops and zaps that drives me nuts or just the fact that all conservative talk show hosts are obnoxious and rarely offer any real solutions and they are an embarrassment to rational conservatives everywhere.

Take for instance, that clown Michael Savage. My Dad and I drove up to Lakewood this last weekend and for a good hour, he rambled off crazy left-wing conspiracies off the internet on the cause of the current oil rig disaster off the gulf coast. First it was the environmentalists that sabotaged the rig. Then it was a North Korean mini-sub. Then it was Chinese ninjas or some shit.

And ALL of them were related to Barrack Obama somehow. Obama could cut taxes to zero % and declare a national holiday “Everyone Gets A Gun – You’re Welcome America Day” and those AM hypocrites would still find a reason to complain about him.

Sure, I’m up for a frank and honest discussion if Obama is leveraging our country to the hilt or severely screwing up our healthcare system but I don’t want to hear childish name calling and mindless rhetoric. I would even consider joining one of those Tea Party events if I wasn’t so afraid a Klan rally would break out immediately afterwards. But AM conservative talk radio is pollution and I can’t stand it.

The realization of my hatred for loud conservative AM talk radio made me happy because I realized that I am not as old as I thought. I know MTV doesn’t want me anymore but at least Rush Limbaugh doesn’t want me either.

That was the best age-related revelation I’ve had since I realized my own mortality back in the summer of 2007 when I saw the movie Sunshine in theaters. Man, you should of my heard my inner monologue during that particular screening, whew! Maybe for another post.

In the meantime, I’m going to keep on be-bopping away to pop music when I ride to work in the morning and continue my search to find ever elusive ways to insert monetary symbols into my name like Ke$ha.


Anonymous said...

I think the larger concern is talk radio turning kids into ninjas! This kid was "protecting his land," can't tell me he didn't get that line from a tea party rally...

Wohlhan86 said...

oh great...first we got ninjas to deal with, then what's next? Robots? Bears? I don't know what the world is coming to...

JD said...

I was hoping to be the first to reference the Kenosha ninja. Touche, Anonymous.