Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Double Play Tuesday: Wednesday Addition

I swear this is the last post from me for awhile. I just figure going through all this film footage over the past week is going to be completely irrelevent again for another 10 years after this weekend so I might as well get it all out there before the reunion.

The source material from all of the youtube clips posted over the last few days come from a few movies I made when I was in 8th grade, my Speech I Video, Altmann's Speech I Video, an assignment from Mass Media class, an assignment for German class, and an assignment for English class.

I know I probably got carried away with all this but I haven't had this much fun goofing around since creating my first hypercard stack after a session of apprehending that elusive Carmen Sandiego in the old computer lab at Parkview.

The best part about this next video is the bit where Greg filmed a bunch of people wearing 3-D glasses. Greg had incredible foresight to capture this footage back in the day. Let me be the first to tell you that you will never hear the words "greg" and "foresight" uttered in the same sentence ever again; need I remind everyone of the ATM incident of Winter 2010.

A few stray observations:

1. Please don't look for any cohesion or unifying theme in the following clip; just a bunch of people doing random things.

2. Joe Barrie and/or Woody could host a talk show today and I would watch it.

3. Somebody notify the Academy about my tear-jerking performance in Preppy Massacre. I haven't seen better acting since Brett Favre chewed the scenery in There's Something About Mary.

4. I'm not sure if we were really making fun of Servais or if it was for a class project.

5. I can't believe I got Antonio Freeman to be in my videos. Wait, maybe that was Ding. I can't really tell.

Ok, that's all I got. Sorry if you didn't see yourself, I had limited materials to work with and I tried to get everybody I could. Laters.


Anonymous said...

Ben, I see you have taken some inspiration from Tim & Eric Awesome Show: Great Job!

Wohlhan86 said...

yep, that's right. I only wish I could get Dr. Steve Brule to provide a cameo for these bits.

Anonymous said...

nice video, Ben, thanks for the memories