Monday, January 10, 2011

Hotel California, Packers, New Years, Rotten Lettuce Farts, and Wollining

Man, I got a lot on my mind right now.

I am slogging away on this appraisal right now and Hotel California just popped on WAPL. I got excited, not because I like the song, but because once it is over, it will mark the longest time possible before more Hotel California gets aired again. Hotel California is probably my least favorite classic rock song of all time. To quote his Dudeness from Big Lebowski…ahhh man, I hate the fucking Eagles. It just ended and now I can go back to work, knowing that Hotel California will not be playing again for the rest of the afternoon. Bonus that it is not double play Tuesday so I will not have to be subjected to another horrible Eagles song.

Second, how about dem Packers, eh? I could not be more excited about that game yesterday, I’m still smiling from that pick by Williams to end the game. I still can’t believe the always reliable David “Always Make ‘ers” Akers dropped not one but TWO field goals. We can finally receive some vindication from the 4th and 26 debacle back in 2003. Now we just need to bring the pain (and the stick ‘em for Jones) to Altanta. Saturday can’t come soon enough.

Third, my new years resolution to play more video games this year is going pretty good so far. I’ve really fell behind at work over the holidays and probably should be working some late nights coming up but that will not stop me from logging in some hours with the Playstation 1 tonight. Wish me luck.

Unfortunately, my other new years resolution to spend more time at Cropsey’s is going dismally. I haven’t played numbers in almost a month and don’t even get me started on the zero dollars I spent gambling on bowl games. Get your head out of your ass, Benji.

Fourth, I’ve also started a new diet and workout regime because I’m going on a cruise with my family pretty soon and I don’t want to scare the fine vacationers on Carnival when I take my shirt off outdoors for the first time in 2011. The diet is going really well so far, I’ve been farting more frequently and when I do fart, it smells like rotten lettuce. If that is not a good sign, I don’t know what is.

Fifth, I invented a new word. It's a verb. The verb is to Wollin and the action is to take an hour to seal plastic wrap over a window to prevent drafts and then get everything just about complete and then touch the hair dryer to the plastic wrap so it makes a huge hole and you have to start all over again. Here's a sentence example: "Yeah I really Wollined the shit out of my family room window this weekend, it totally sucked." Feel free to get that one going.

Well that’s about all I got right now. Sorry for not blogging in so long, I was sort of swamped over the holidays but I have a big snowshoe race coming up this weekend that I will be sure to fill you in on.


Anonymous said...

Benny ur farts always smell really bad! Remember when you cleared out a whole bar! lol

Wohlhan86 said...

that wasn't me, that was Joey D if i remember correctly