Thursday, January 12, 2012

Best Football Play Of The Year

With the playoffs looming, I started reminiscing about this years football season and how we got to where we are today. I remember the spectacle of hosting the Saints for the home opener, going to the monday night Vikings game with my bro and getting free scarves, watching Rodgers carve up the Giants D in the last two minutes to keep their undefeated streak alive, and of course, missing the fantasy football playoffs by one point on a Tuesday because of a"scoring adjustment". What a season!

Looking back at my favorite play though, it curiously wasn't a Packer play. No, my favorite play was a certain orange-clad player who performed one of the most acrobatic touchdowns I have ever seen. Here is the clip.

Craziest Touchdown Of The Year.

Yep, my favorite football play of the year was by Tigers football star, Johnny Rico in 1997.

If you were thinking of this bullshit play, you would be mistaken.

Biggest Bullshit Touchdown Ever.

Jerome Simpson ain't got nothin' on Rico. Rico clears Zander by at least 2 feet whereas Jerome grazes his defender during his touchdown flip like a chump. Plus, for all his moxy, Simpson was a fantasy bust so I guess this blog post is my way of venting my frustration. The ball's in your court, Simpson.


JD said...

Stupid sexy Jeff is worse at defending Johnny Rico than he is at not cheating on Kelly.

Wohlhan86 said...

No kidding. If Stupid Sexy Jeff concentrated more on tackling fundamentals and less time thinking about an evening out at The Attic, then they might have won the game.