Saturday, August 20, 2005

Who wants to Snog!?

Yeah I like Harry Potter books. They’re great. The first couple books were kind of childish but the latter ones are actually pretty dark and deal with some pretty mature themes. I think any adult fan of the series would agree with me but I would like to go one over and scrutinize some trivial details that I promise will have absolutely no bearing on your opinions one way or another. Reader beware: you are about to get a little bit stupider.

I am going to make a weak case that Harry and Ginny are doing the deed. I basically just wanted to believe this and then proceeded to find evidence to prove it. I found none. But just think about it for a sec.

There are more hook ups going on at Hogwarts than ever before. It’s straight out of the OC, seriously. Just remember when you were 17 and in high school. You were horny, curious, and desperate to lose your virginity. I know they’re wizards but they still have raging hormones like the rest of us.

Now imagine that you found a pretty little witch or sorcerer to so some serious snogging. I think snogging is more than just making out, otherwise they would just be making out. Snogging to me is a combination of sloppy kissing and dry humping, with a dash of heavy petting for good measure. You can only do so much snogging before it leads to other things. For lack of a better word, “blue balls” is the term the kids are using these days to describe that condition. Plus they’re all cooped up in the castle so what’s more fun than snogging when you are bored?

Now look at Harry and Ginny’s situation. They are both very mature for their age. They’ve been through a lot of shit. Ginny is a saucy little red head that seems to know how to get any guy to do what she wants. She’s ready for the next step. Harry on the other hand, has to be thinking that he could eat it at any time. Nobody wants to die a virgin, I don’t care who you are. Rowling can’t write it for the children’s sake but you’d be a fool to think that killing Voldemort would be a priority before knockin’ boots with some comely lasses.

I guess the only documentation I can muster is when Harry reflects on that one amazing afternoon they had by the lake. I know it’s a stretch but you can use your imagination. I won’t even get into the fact they could probably do some pretty sweet maneuvers with their magic and abilities to levitate.

Admit it, you think about this stuff too. Tell me I'm not the only one out there!

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