Monday, August 08, 2005

Crispin Glover: Greatest Actor Ever!

You know who doesn’t get enough respect ever. Crispin Glover, the genius who played George McFly in the Back to the Future movies. It is arguably one of the greatest performances in the history of cinema. I’ll give you one solid reason why:

If you had the choice of getting punched in the face by anyone or George McFly, the correct answer would be anyone else. Why? Because not only are you going to get knocked out, but your entire life will be ruined. You will deduced to waxing cars or some other comparable monkey job and you would end up kissing people's asses for the rest of your life. Not bad for someone who loves peeping into windows and chocolate milk.

That’s why I personally implore the Academy to honor this man with a lifetime achievement award or possibly even inventing an award in his name. It his high time this mighty thespian be recognized for this monumental role.

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