Saturday, January 28, 2006

People that look like Things and other People

Below is a picture of Eric Dingeldein. He has been one of my best friends since High School and I love him to death. That’s why I feel I can get away with embarrassing the hell out of him to the entire Internet universe.

The first person that Ding looks like is Wide Receiver #86 from the Green Bay Packers, Antonio Freemen, sans the dirty moustache.

My roommates and myself last Wednesday made the revelation that Ding also looks like Turk from the hit show Scrubs on NBC. He's the one on the right.

It’s really a travesty that I don't have his picture but Ding looks the most like this dude I sat next to in my English class Freshmen year. They actually bumped into each other at this crazy Halloween party that semester but for some reason, they didn’t want to acknowledge to each other that they’re basically identical twins separated at birth. I think it’s because they were both drunk at the time. Typical!

Finally, this last person or should I say, recently animated fictional inanimate CGI object, is described by Dingeldein himself to be something that he thinks he looks like. He even gives himself the moniker “Archer” from the movie Small Soldiers because he’s weird like that. Personally, I think the similarities are negligible at best.

Well, that pretty much does it for Dingeldein. He looks like a lot of people and things apparently. We should all be so lucky. If you can think of people that look like other people or things or just want to make fun of Dingeldein, please feel free to drop a comment.

You know, it just occurred to me while I was writing this that there is another obvious similarity between two people that I know very well:

It’s almost scary how much we both share the same looks AND quarterback abilities.

1 comment:

Lenoxus said...

Dude, I think you might be stretching the resemblence factor a bit when it comes to all those guys, except maybe the Small Soldiers one... I dunno. As for you and the quarterback, well, whatever you say, man...

PS: I sort of resemble Fiona Apple with a beard and glasses. I regret that I cannot take any responsibility for any nausea (sic) you may now be experiencing.