Tuesday, November 10, 2009

First Things First

My first order of business is to talk about the 800 lb gorilla in the room i.e. my take on this whole Brett Favre dominating in Minnesota thing that’s going on right now. Obviously I could write a book on the subject but you’ve heard all the arguments so I’m going to skip all that and go right to the heart of the matter.

How do I feel about my boyhood and currently manhood idol playing for my most hated team in the NFL?

To use an analogy, it feels a lot like how I first felt about that chick from the progressive auto insurance commercials. The first time I saw those commercials, I thought, “wow, this chick is REALLY obnoxious. What network wonk decided this bubble head was fit for prime time television?”

But after a few months, she started to grow on me and now I have a crush on her a little bit because I can’t look away whenever she’s on the tube. I can’t quite put my finger on it, perhaps it’s her expressive facial features and her brimming optimism. Or maybe it’s because she likes to save money and is kind of busty.

Whatever it is, I’m down. I can’t wait to see what kind of zany adventures lay ahead for progressive auto chick.

I’d like to see her challenge that googly eyed stack of cash in the Octagon for total auto insurance domination. Not gonna happen though. Not her style. She would more likely become friends with it and lower its monthly premium.

Anyways, that’s how I kind of feel about Brett Favre. Make sense?

It’s clear that Brett Favre is a very polarizing figure in Wisconsin. You’d have a more cordial Thanksgiving discussing the pros and cons of abortion at the dinner table than you would talking about Brett Favre’s trade to the Vikings.

But in today’s era, with the popularity of fantasy football, it is becoming more and more acceptable to be a fan of individual players while still supporting your favorite team. I don’t see why it has to be contentious to root for Brett Favre and still be a Packer fan.

Even harder still, despite the fact that the Vikings are coached by someone who looks like and probably is a rapist, that team has a lot of likable characters. It’s hard not to like Adrian Peterson or Jared Allen, they are such ferocious competitors and they are the best in the league at their respective positions. And they’re not assholes about it so that makes them okay in my book.

I’ll go back to hating the Vikings once Brett Favre is gone (and especially if Cris Carter remains an analyst at ESPN) but until then, I’m going to root for both teams and I’m not going to feel guilty about it.

Vikings Head Coach, Brad Childress, doing a “different” kind of scouting at the local park.


Tom Jane said...

Rapist coming! Don't get raped...

Mike Petrasek said...

Nice Mr. Show reference, Tom! The only disagreement I have with that post Ben is that Jared Allen is just slightly an asshole about it.

Wohlhan86 said...
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Wohlhan86 said...

fair enough, Mike, but my rationale is that for how intense Jared Allen is on the field, he seems relatively normal off the field.

I'm guess what I'm trying to say is that he is not Jeremy Shockey.

Anonymous said...

Mike is right, Allen is an asshole about it.

Larry is my name, insurance is my game. Raping was also a game of mine. . . .