Monday, November 09, 2009

Fuck It. Brain Litter Is Back.

Yep. It’s back.

I couldn’t help being inspired by a certain hero of mine. You might have heard of him. This particular gentleman devoted his entire career to entertaining a generation of fans for countless years to a craft very few people could perform. But then one day, certain management said he was washed up, no good anymore, and he was banished from the place he was loved by all.

Night is always darkest before the dawn. Bound by determination and the strength of his convictions, this man among men returned to the spotlight and is now just…just absolutely crushin’ it out there.

Yes, Jay Leno’s comeback from the Tonight Show debacle is an inspiration for us all.

How could I NOT bring Brain Litter back from the depths of obscurity?

So let’s do some catching up. I got no job. I got no house. And my pet’s head is falling off.

Well not quite that last bit but things are looking relatively grim for ol’ Benny Wollin compared to one year ago today. But I’m cautiously optimistic for the future which is why I’m going to start writing again. To make a long story short, I’m looking for new ways to start taking back control of some of the things I lost and what better to start than by reclaiming my dominance in the blogosphere.

I’m going to mostly go back to the original Brain Litter formula so instead of being 25% funny / 75% adventure chronicling like Brain Litter California, it’s just going to be 100% funny again but I’m crossing my fingers it will be slightly more mature as I am a few years older and dealing with significant new obstacles.

No worries though, in addition to learning about the joys of unemployment, rest assured I won’t gloss over your favorite topics such as fast food, zombies, and hero worship of that wily new quarterback playing for the Minnesota Vikings.

Oh FYI Brain Litter is the now the official home of Ted Thompson hate mongering. A loss against the defeated Buccaneers!? Child please.


Anonymous said...

I'm not taking "cautiously optimistic" for an answer.

Anonymous said...

Hold onto your fucking socks internet - Benny's back.