Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Return of Wonderbat

Sorry sorry sorry, I know its been a really long time since my last post and I hate to lose any of the small momentum I’ve gained so far but this is always a busy time of year for me.

I did not write last weekend, because I was, once again, fighting off a contingent of whitetail deer in the Florence County region of Wisconsin. Once again, I kept the hostiles at bay with my Browning 270 WSM but I think I may have done TOO good of a job defending our great state because not one single deer appeared to attack me.

It’s okay though, actually shooting a deer ranks about fourth on my favorite aspects of the deer hunting experience with binge drinking, playing poker, and not showering for five days rounding out the top three reasons why deer camp is awesome.

Then I did the Black Friday shopping experience yesterday for the first time.

Never. Again.

I already hate shopping as it is, I don’t need that hatred compounded by people cramming me in aisles, sitting in check out lines ten people deep, or spending twenty minutes trying to get out the Dicks Sporting Goods parking lot. That shopping center was pure bedlam yesterday.

But I did emerge from the carnage victoriously with a ST3000 competition-grade ping pong table for $229, regularly priced at $500. So basically I got the greatest deal of all time and I’ll finally be able to practice regularly so I can beat the greatest ping pong player in the tri-state area, that player being my brother, Joey Wollin. He's good. Maybe the best.

So far I am undefeated on my new table but if we're being honest here, I’ve only played against three opponents: Greg, Rim, and myself when I play against the wall. So far the only real challenge has been myself, I really know how to get into my head and exploit my inconsistent forearm smash.

So between all the hunting, Thanksgivinging, shopping, and ping ponging, I’ve just been crazy busy so sorry about that.

Oh yeah, I got a job this week too. I start Monday. More on that next week.

If anyone dares to challenge me and my Wonderbat, you know where to find me.

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