Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Running Gag for 2010

So I was pondering some ideas for some running gags to kick off the new decade. Some of my proposed gags in the past never really came to fruition and that is unacceptable.

I remember distinctively at one point that I was going to mock Peyton Manning on a regular basis because everyone loves him and thinks he's the greatest quarterback ever but I wanted to call out the fact that he's kind of a whiner and he had one greatest offensive lines in history and he chokes a lot during the post season but most of all because he sucks compared to Brett Favre. But I only made fun of him a few times and then left him alone, which defeats the whole purpose of a running gag.

Therefore I am going to start injecting into my blogs regular references to the screenplay that I never finished in California. The movie is called Jumping the Shark and if don’t recall, it’s about a uptight college kid who bands together with his womanizing best friend and a team of misfits to film a low budget movie and win back the love of his ex-girlfriend. Spoiler alert: The bad guys are hippies. Whoa.

Here is a page from said screenplay, illustrating the quick witted banter you can expect from a Ben Wollin film:

Hilarious, right? Many of you may have noticed that the protagonist is named Ken, not unlike my own name. Could this project be a little less commercial and a little more personal than we first expected? Who knows, right? Let the speculation begin!

Basically, I want Jumping the Shark to be my Chinese Democracy. Before Chinese Democracy got released, I should add. I will argue the stupidest thing Guns N Roses ever did (and they did a LOT of stupid things) was to release that album because it ruined one of the greatest on going pop culture references of all time. There was no way that album could ever live up to its hype, therefore it should have never been released. Chinese Democracy had unlimited joke potential that only got funnier with age and GNR ruined it. Poop on that.

I want Jumping the Shark to fill that void. Let the running gag begin!


Servais said...

This is the most narcissistic thing I have ever heard! The fact that you want to make your screenplay the joke of the decade makes you the joke of the decade.

Wohlhan86 said...

Mike, you are obviously new to Brain Litter...

Anonymous said...

Gun's N Roses didn't fuck it up. It was Axl Rose, all the other guys started successful bands that didn't make shitty albums!