Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Shout Outs to people, LOST and Shout Outs to LOST -

OK, this is going to be combo post dedicated to both LOST and to an official new Brain Litter policy where I’m going to give shout outs to anyone that gives me a compliment about my blog, because I have a big ego and it makes me feel damn good when someone says they enjoy my writing and I want to encourage that kind of behavior when I’m out and about.

For instance, I was talking to MICHELLE STEFENS the other night and she gave me a real nice compliment about how she once printed off a post to show a co-worker my ideas for Facebook relationship updates. I told her I would express my gratitude by having her Brain Littered with capital letters and a bold font.

Again, I was talking to VANG the other week at Cropseys and he too told me that he really likes my blog, especially the high school reminiscing I get into sometimes. So, to return the favor, I want to post this sexy picture of him from this one time we went up north.

The caption for this photo is “Sexy Vang SMOLDERS after presumably, a long, passionate night of love making. Sorry ladies, this side of beef is no longer on the market”.

See how this works?

ERIC KIVI gets one, too, he’s a long time reader, long time complimentor. Unfortunately, I do not have sexy photos of him I can post from high school. At least I did not put him at the nerd table on my middle school map of the lunchroom so I guess that is something to be happy about.

I wish Vanlieshout would compliment me more because I have LOT’s of good photos of him. Like this one.

Being roommates freshmen year does have its advantages, I must say. This picture must have been very important because this was taken before the digital camera heyday where you actually had to spend money to have something like this developed and then scanned onto a computer.

Okay, on to LOST.

I’m starting to like the finale a lot more now that I think about. I wish the show had a more ambiguous ending so it could be interpreted in different ways, but the ending was pretty cut and dry. Everyone lived happily ever after, and I guess I’m okay with that. I liked all the characters on the show and I like that they all got a shot at redemption so they could rest peacefully in the afterlife. We should all be so lucky. It would also be nice to have a cute yellow lab at my side when I realize the final truth. That’s the way to go.

I found myself spending a lot of time reading other people’s reviews and observations these past few weeks. I have devoted a lot of time and thought to LOST and I don’t want to say goodbye to it just yet. Between The Wire and LOST, these were easily the best two dramas of the last decade.

But I’m sure I will find something else to occupy my time. That Pawn Stars is pretty good. It will do for now.


Anonymous said...

Cool Star Wars Episode 1 poster in your dorm room...FAG!

Wohlhan86 said...

(deep breath). I deserve that.

Anonymous said...

I had some sweet burns back in the day.

See that fruit basket hat on top of the TV? I stole that off a chick passed out on Park St. during Halloween. Ahhh, memories.

Anonymous said...

Also, that thing on the cinder block on the left side, that is a Kool Cigarettes ad from a playboy.

Who has been puttin their Kool's out on my carpeting?

JD said...

Was that the first time Vang unleashed Magnum on the world?

Wohlhan86 said...

Joe, Sexy Vang was clearly unleashing Blue Steel in that pose.

Also, when I grow up, I want all the furniture in my house to be board-on-concrete-block based.

Anonymous said...

The best part is Vang with a bag of chips, a bowl of salsa, and smokin a dart all while naked in somebody else's bed.

JD said...

Ben, admit it - your entire house is going to be board on concrete.

Anonymous said...

oooo my do I love my husband. I must love him if I can look at that picture and still say that! I know Brian has told you I like your blog and I see no shout out to Mrs. vang...However, if shout outs include awful pictures, id rather not get one. =)

Wohlhan86 said...

Sorry, Mrs. Vang, I should have mentioned you! My bad. To make up it up for it, I'm going to get a poster-sized copy of the sexy Vang pic and have it framed so you can hang it over your mantle.

JD said...

I really hope "Sexy Vang" catches on as a new moniker for Brian. He's been coasting on the successes of plain old "Vang" for far too long. Time to upgrade, my friend.

Anonymous said...

I have a feelin he wont mind if the 'sexy vang' thing catches on. He likes to refer to himself as that. and please, oh please do not make that picture any bigger for me!