Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Montage Monday: Tuesday Edition

It's less than a week to go before the Ashwaubenon Class of 2000 gets together for...sigh...our 10 Year class reunion. It seems like it was only yesterday when we used to cruise around town aimlessly, looking for shit to do on the weekend.

Man, have things changed. Like this last Saturday...I...cruised around town aimlessly looking for shit to do.

Well some things may never change but I certainly look forward to seeing my old friends this weekend and drinking some beer. If you see me at Sidelines this Saturday, don't be afraid to come up to me to talk about Brain Litter. It's my favorite subject.

That being said, I got a couple of clips coming up that should provide some social lubricant between the awkward name forgetting and the stifling conversation disconnects between the "married with kids" people and the "people that haven't grown up at all yet" people.

Here is a montage of some of my greatest bits over the years when I was a young autuer. I highly recommend viewing this with the volume turned up. I know it's totally cliche but nothing really beats the 1812 Overture for good montage music.

Seriously, this thing ain't that funny without the volume.


Anonymous said...

Some day, before I die, I want to hear the following dialogue in a movie: What do we have for weapons? All we have are foot long hot dogs!

Anonymous said...

My favorite part was when the guy fell down the stairs.

Anonymous said...

I think the 4 seconds of Matt Vertz' gut was the highlight.

lovelyinlux said...

This is an astoundingly accurate depiction of our high school experience. Wish I were going to the reunion now. Thanks for making me laugh out loud today...

Anonymous said...

Amazing Ben. What that for speech class? I'm pretty sure the first minute of your video was a replica of what my group made. Except we added keg stands and the car crash was with matchbox cars instead of the real thing. You always were the creative one.

Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the reunion. I want a full recap. Have fun.


Anonymous said...

Funny! Wish I could be there!
Beth B.

Anonymous said...

did you just pants me there wollin?? Your gonna get it for that