Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Class Reunion Review

I’m super bored at work right now so I’m going to take a moment to reflect upon my reunion last weekend instead of trying to figure out the market rent for Class B office space downtown.

The beginning started off iffy at best. We showed up to Sidelines an hour after its official start and it was basically a dozen or so people lethargically sitting around the bar as if a funeral were in progress.

When I ponied up to the bar, I was praying that at any second a cheesy heavy metal riff would be heard and then two average joes with Hawaiian shirts and cool shades would pop into the party with coolers of ice cold beer and yell “we know what this party needs!” and then all of a sudden bikini-clad chicks would be dancing everywhere for some reason and everyone would start miraculously having a great time like some kind of cheesy 80’s beer commercial.

Yep , things were dire initially but then a lot more people trickled in, the music got louder, shots were had, the beer started to flow like wine and it just ended up being a really fun night in the end. No startling revelations, no harbored grudges, no coveting of my more successful classmates; it was just a good time with people I haven’t seen in a long time.

I hope more people show up to the next one, I don’t think there was enough representation from the sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, or dickheads but, oh well, I’ll cross my fingers for the 15 year reunion.

It’s weird, I remember vividly thinking in high school that my 10 year reunion was going to be a really big deal and that all the choices I made in school were someday going to really pay off at that particular point in time. Well the jury is still out on some of those choices but I know now that setting objectives towards an arbitrary date 10 years into the future is a pretty dumb way to measure a goal. Remind me to tell my future kids that lesson. Nevermind, I’m sure they won’t listen.

If I had to make one suggestion for next time, I would make awards for the attendees. For example, if there was a prize for the most drunk attendee, I would have to award that to…nah, I can’t say it, I’m going to take the high road here, after all I am a mature adult ten years out of high school. I’ll keep my opinions to myself.

Ok, if you must know, I’ll give you a hint, I won’t say their last name but it rhymes with “fails”.


Anonymous said...

Ben, I do agree with you for the award for the most drunk person! That is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

The best looking man that night was Delaruelle.

Wohlhan86 said...

well that is definitely debatable.

Anonymous said...

yeah that was fun, hopefully more people can show up next time

hbkgoddess said...

I'm glad you had fun, Ben. And to think he won a bottle of vodka for the door prize. If I would have known about how drunk he was already, I would have given him a different prize.

Anonymous said...

You should talk, ben, you failed to be sober yourself.

Wohlhan86 said...

guilty as charged.

kknott said...

Wish I would have known the door prizes were bottles of vodka... Sorry I missed it.

Anonymous said...

How about award for the class couple that you never expected to see together?