Sunday, February 05, 2006

Super Blog Sunday

What could possibly be better than Super Bowl Sunday? Could it possibly be TWO blog posts in one day? I bet it is.

Being the cutting edge blogging enthusiast that I am, it is my duty to report my observations on today’s game.

First, I am glad that advertisers have taken note from last year and given us exactly what we wanted to see in a Super Bowl commercial: more monkeys in suits doing business in an office. I’m sorry but to me this kind of stuff is timeless. I think we have reached the absolute pinnacle of low brow humor. The marketing department at whatever the name of the company that does those commercials have done a fantastic job creating a following and thus building brand recognition for their product and/or service.

The low point of today’s commercials was probably the Whopperettes commercial from Burger King. It’s painful to watch Brooke Burke go from overexposed beauty queen to utter obscurity in such a short period of time. What happened to you, Brooke? You used to be about the modeling and the partying. Now you’re about schlocking hamburgers for BK? What gives!? Even your most devoted Maxim minions are going to be upset about this. For shame. For shame.

The award for the coolest product easily goes to Gillette with its FIVE blades on the new Mach Fusion. If five blades aren’t enough to rock your world, there’s a bonus blade on the backside for sideburns. The Mach Fusion may be the greatest consumer product ever created. I could literally feel the patches of stubble on my face quibble in fear when the commercial first aired. I’m finding a 24 hour Walgreens when I’m finished with this post.

One thing I’ve always wondered about is why any respectable marketer would allow John Madden to do the commentary for the Super Bowl or any game for that matter. Not only is the man incapable of forming a coherent sentence out of his mouth, but his jowls flapping around in the breeze is enough for anyone to lose their appetite while watching the game. This is does NOT bode well for Pizza Hut, Doritos, Pepsi-Cola, or any other snack maker banking on huge game day sales. Someone needs to get Madden a bacon sandwich or something off stage to keep the camera off him as much as possible. I’m sure Al Michaels would agree.

The thing that annoyed me the most was that silly game of football that kept interrupting the commercials. It was really difficult to care about the game since my beloved Packers were not being featured but I’m pretty sure Pittsburgh was the victor over Seattle.

Well you could actually make a case that ALL the players were winners today. After all, they don’t have to live in Detroit.

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