Monday, November 16, 2009

1498 Glen: Magic in the Making

Please evaluate the following:

A down-on-his-luck nerd is forced to move back to his hometown and share a house with a jock that formally tormented him throughout high school.

Is the following statement
A. an upcoming sitcom slated for NBC’s mid season line up or
B. my current living situation?

If you guessed A, you would be incorrect.

So yeah, I moved in with Greg “You got a fuckin’ dart in your neck, man” Altmann about six weeks ago.

And I’m exaggerating that first statement, of course. Greg and I were actually pretty decent friends in high school with the exception of the occasional Wollin Beatdown but EVERYONE participated in those so I really can’t hold that against him.

Oh. And one time he threw me into a stack of lunch trays and another time, he forced me to walk home from the airport without shoes in the middle of winter as mentioned in this previous post.

But Greg totally redeemed himself because our house is great and really cheap and Cheese digs it and best of all, it got me out of my parents place.

I should also mention that Greg did attempt to pick me up last night when I thought it would be a good idea to walk home from Anduzzi’s but idiot me decided to stumble down Lombardi to Shady instead of just stumbling down Cormier like any sane person would do so he's off the hook for the airport incident.

Mike Servais still owes me for that one, however.

As far as chores go, I do all the dishes and mow the lawn and in exchange, Greg does NOT force me to watch an old VHS tape of his quarterback highlights from our varsity football season. It’s a great system.

Apparently Greg also has a tape of the 1999 Bay Conference Shrine Bowl in its entirety but I think he is saving that for winter if I don’t shovel the driveway.

So that’s where I am living these days. Come swing by and I’ll be happy to give you a tour and maybe we can play some SNES Mario Kart but I don’t know, I don’t know if we’ll have enough time. We have a drum set too but it’s shitty.

If you come visit on a Saturday night, there’s a good chance you could win our traveling Rummy 500 trophy. It’s got a karate guy on top so you know it’s good.


Anonymous said...

uhhhmmm.. I'm mostly perturbed by the extra small mini-me photo in the window.. I'm guess that's you and your roommate? Weird..

Wohlhan86 said...

good guess, but that's actually a pic of Greg with Najeh Davenport. I think the photo really ties the room together.